
Innocent - Scott Turow Turow's great insight with the legal procedural, was to make the personal matter as much as what happened in the courtroom. In the end, the story of "Presumed Innocent" was that all law is really personal. Every action, at the end of the day, derives from our personal drives. It is a pleasure to be back in the world of Kindle County with Rusty Sabich. Rusty was so appealing in Presumed Innocent, because he was always an underdog, someone to root for. He was smart, but an unlikely hero who kept out-witting his adversaries. He was a hero who found corruption. Sadly, although the personal emphasis is there, this most recent novel from Turow misses the mark in almost every way that matters.The issues with this novel began with the fact that Rusty is now a comfortable, over-paid (and over-sexed) judge on the bench. Fat, but not happy.Who identifies with such a man? Some of the elite, but often not even those readers would like this man.Here, Rusty makes stupid mistakes, compounded by unbelievable situations concocted by the writer, compounded by more stupid mistakes. Here, he IS the root of corruption, not the clean-acting hero who is confounded by other people's perfidy. I found Rusty detestable here, which made me sad.